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About us

Mission statement
"To discover and preserve the history of Chinese Americas"

Chinese Americans have contributed to the historical growth and development of America's life and culture since 1840s.
The Chinese American Historians Society was established in 1985 in the State of California to discover our pioneers and their history. We strive to increase awareness of Chinese American heritage through public programs, education and research. You are welcome to Join us in a variety of educational and enjoyable activities.





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美國華人之始 The beginning


鴉片戰爭、穿鼻草約、南京合約、虎門合約 Opium War、Convention of Chuanbi、Treaty of NankingTreaty of Bogui


望廈條約 Treat of Wanghia


加州淘金熱 California Gold Rush


加州第一件華人提訴 The First Lawsuit by Chinese American


加州強徵外國礦工稅Foreign Miners Tax


人民訴霍爾案 People v.Hall


加州通過法案不准華人入境 California passed at law to bar entry of Chinese


第二次鴉片戰爭The Second Opium War




Aview of the unequal pre




中美天津條約 Treaty of Tientsin


加州徵收警察稅 California Levied Police Tax


華工修築太平洋鐵路 Chinese workers constructied of the Pacific Railroad


民權法案通過 Civil Rights Act was passed


蒲安臣條約Burlingame-Seward Treaty


排華暴動Anti-Chinese protests


佩吉法及22位淫蕩的中國女性案例The Page Act and the case of 22 lewd Chinese women


加州憲法禁止雇用華人California Constitution forbid the use of Chinese laborers


華人來美續約條約(安吉爾條約) Angell Treaty


加州漁業法 California Fishing Law forbid Chinese from fishing in California


排華法案 The Chinese Exclusion Act


排華法案修正案 Chinese Exclusion Act Amendment


香釗 訴 美國  Chew Heong v. U.S.112 U.S.536




Aview of the unequal pre




中美天津條約 Treaty of Tientsin


加州徵收警察稅 California Levied Police Tax


華工修築太平洋鐵路 Chinese workers constructied of the Pacific Railroad


民權法案通過 Civil Rights Act was passed


蒲安臣條約Burlingame-Seward Treaty


排華暴動Anti-Chinese protests


佩吉法及22位淫蕩的中國女性案例The Page Act and the case of 22 lewd Chinese women


加州憲法禁止雇用華人California Constitution forbid the use of Chinese laborers


華人來美續約條約(安吉爾條約) Angell Treaty


加州漁業法 California Fishing Law forbid Chinese from fishing in California


排華法案 The Chinese Exclusion Act


排華法案修正案 Chinese Exclusion Act Amendment


香釗 訴 美國  Chew Heong v. U.S.112 U.S.536


石泉慘案 The Rockspring Massacre


益和 訴 霍普金斯案 Yick Wo v. Hopkins,118 U.S.356


遲成平 訴 美國 及1888年史考特法案 Chae Chan Ping v. U.S.,130 U.S.581(1899) and Scott’s Act


吉爾里法案 Geary Act


馮越亭 訴 美國案 Fong Yue Ting v. U.S.,149 U.S.698


葛遜陽條約(中美續訂華工禁約) The Gresham-Yang Treaty


林孟欣(譯音)訴 美國 Lem Moon Sing v. U.S.,158 U.S.538


美國 訴 黃金德 U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S.649


舊金山中國城鼠疫事件 San Francisco was quarantined

義和團虐殺白人,列強學習北京 The Boxer Rebellion


國父孫中山是美國公民 Dr.Sun Yat-Sen was an U.S. citizen


排華法案續約 及 1905年 第一次抵制美貨運動 The first boycott against American goods


美國 訴 朱台 U.S. v.Toy,198 U.S.253


中美公斷條約 Arbitration Convention between the Unite States and China




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甘苞的殺戮戰場 The killing of Bow Kum


中華民國建立 Founding of the Republic of China


移民法(亞洲人禁區法) The Asiatic Barred Zone Act


克博法案  Cable Act


移民法   The Immigration Act of 1924


林 訴 萊斯 Lum v.Rice,275 U.S.78


抗日戰爭開打 China’s War of Resistance against Japan


麥諾森法案 Magnuson Act


開羅宣言 Cairo Declaration


波茲坦宣言 Potsdam Declaration

日本降書 Japanese Instrument of Surrender

戰爭新娘法 The War Brides Act


小山 訴 加州 Oyama v.State of California,332 U.S.663


中華人民共和國成立 5000名中國學者被准許居留美國

People's Republic of China was founded and 5000 Chinese scholars were granted refugee status in the U.S




Aview of the unequal pre




西伊福希 訴 加州 Sei Fujii v. State of California 38 Cal.2d 718


移民及歸化法 Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952


中美共同防禦條約 Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty


「坦白項目」特赦中國非法移民 Confession Program pardons undocumented Chinese immigrants


鄺友良成為第一位華裔參議員Hiram Fong became the first Senator of Chinese descent


黃錦紹成為第一位華裔法官 Delbert Wong Became the First Judge of Chinese Descent


民權法案 The Civil Rights Act of 1964


美國移民與國籍法 Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965


愛夫婦 訴 維吉尼亞州案 Loving v. Virginia,388 U.S.1


中美三個聯合公報 The Three Joint Communiques


劉 訴 尼考爾斯 Lau v. Nichols,414 U.S.563


台灣關係法 Taiwan Relations Act


陳果仁案 Death of Vincent Chin


胡娜出走事件 Hu Na case


江南案 Henry Liu was murdered in Daly City by Taiwan killers


第一家美國及歐洲聯合律師事務所Interjura在北京成立 First Western joint venture law firm Interjura was established in Beijing


移民法 Immigration Law of 1990


中國學生保護法 Chinese Students Protection Act


金色冒險號 The case of Golden Venture



商業間諜法Economic Espionage Act






商業部助理副部長黃建南涉入選舉政治獻金風波 John Huang pleaded guilty to violating federal campaign finance laws


李文和案 Wen Ho Lee case


加州少數民族人數超過50% California minorities became majority


愛國法通過,國土安全局成立 Establishment of Department of Homeland Security


台美刑事司法互助協議 Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters


移民局由美國國土安全局接管 United States Department of Homeland Security to take over Immigration cases


王又曾、黃芳彥潛逃美國案 Wang You-theng Case


李慶安雙重國籍案 Issues of Dual Citizenship of Lee Ching-An


加州州長為排華法案道歉 California governor apologized for the historical Anti-Chinese laws


陳水扁自稱美國軍事政府代理人 Taiwan ex-president Chen Shui-bian said he was the agent for the U.S. Military government


美國參議院為排華法案道歉 Senate apologized for Chinese exclusion acts


劉姍姍事件及台美豁免權協議 Jacqueline Liu Case


美國眾議院為排華法案道歉 U.S. House of Representatives apologized for the Chinese exclusion acts




Aview of the unequal pre




胡娜出走事件 Hu Na case


江南案 Henry Liu was murdered in Daly City by Taiwan killers


第一家美國及歐洲聯合律師事務所Interjura在北京成立 First Western joint venture law firm Interjura was established in Beijing


移民法 Immigration Law of 1990


中國學生保護法 Chinese Students Protection Act


金色冒險號 The case of Golden Venture



商業間諜法Economic Espionage Act






商業部助理副部長黃建南涉入選舉政治獻金風波 John Huang pleaded guilty to violating federal campaign finance laws


李文和案 Wen Ho Lee case


加州少數民族人數超過50% California minorities became majority




Aview of the unequal pre




愛國法通過,國土安全局成立 Establishment of Department of Homeland Security


台美刑事司法互助協議 Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters


移民局由美國國土安全局接管 United States Department of Homeland Security to take over Immigration cases


王又曾、黃芳彥潛逃美國案 Wang You-theng Case


李慶安雙重國籍案 Issues of Dual Citizenship of Lee Ching-An


加州州長為排華法案道歉 California governor apologized for the historical Anti-Chinese laws


陳水扁自稱美國軍事政府代理人 Taiwan ex-president Chen Shui-bian said he was the agent for the U.S. Military government


美國參議院為排華法案道歉 Senate apologized for Chinese exclusion acts


劉姍姍事件及台美豁免權協議 Jacqueline Liu Case


美國眾議院為排華法案道歉 U.S. House of Representatives apologized for the Chinese exclusion acts

Friendly links

Chinese American Women: A History of Resilience and Resistance by The National Women History Museum

Constitutions and bylaws

Article I: Name

The name of this society shall be the Chinese American Historians Society.

Article II: Purpose

Its object shall be the promotion of historical studies through the encouragement of research, teaching, and publication; the collection and preservation of the Chinese American historical documents and artifacts; the dissemination of such historical records and information and the broadening of such historical knowledge among the general public.

Article III: Membership

Membership in the Association shall be open to any person interested in the history of Chinese Americans.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: The elected officers shall be: the president, the president-elect, the immediate past-president, and three vice-presidents.

Section 2: The president shall be elected for a one-year term. It shall be his or her duty to preside at meetings of the Council and at the business meeting and to formulate policies and projects for presentation to the Council to fulfill the chartered obligations and purposes of the Association. After his or her term the president shall become the immediate past-president for a one-year term.

Section 3: The president-elect shall be elected for a one-year term. He or she shall be a member of the Council. If the office of president shall, through any cause, become vacant, the president-elect shall thereupon become president.

Section 4: The vice-presidents shall be elected for staggered three-year terms. Each shall serve as a member of the Council and as chair of a division of the Council (as described in Article VI).It shall be the duty of each vice-president, under the direction of the Council and with the assistance of the executive director, to formulate policies and projects for submission to the Council on behalf of his or her respective Division.

Section 5: The executive director shall be the chief administrative officer of the Society. It shall be his or her duty, under the direction of the Council, to oversee the affairs of the Society, to have responsibility for the continuing operations of the Society, to supervise the work of its committees, to assist in the formulation of policies and projects for submission to the Council, to execute instructions of the Council, and to perform such other duties as the Council may direct.

Section 6: The appointed officers shall be designated by the Council for specified terms of office not to exceed five years and shall be eligible for reappointment. They shall receive such compensation as the Council may determine.

Article V: Council

Section 1: There shall be a Council constituted as follows:

(a) The president, president-elect, immediate past-president, and three vice-presidents.

(b) Nine members who have been elected to one of the divisions of the Council.

(c) The executive director and controller as nonvoting members.

Section 2: The Council shall conduct the business, manage the property, and care for the general interests of the Society. The Council shall fix the amount of dues and the date on which any change of dues becomes effective. It may appoint such committees as it deems necessary. The Council shall call an annual meeting of the Association at a place and time it deems appropriate. It shall report to the membership on its deliberations and actions through the publications of the Association and at the business meeting.

Section 3: To transact necessary business between meetings of the Council, there shall be an Executive Committee composed of the president, president-elect, immediate past-president, and three vice presidents.

Article VI: Divisions

Section 1: The Council of the Society shall have three divisions: a Research Division, a Teaching Division, and a Professional Division. Each division shall act under the direction of the Council, and be comprised of a vice-president and three other members elected to that division.

Section 2: It shall be the duty of the Research Division to help promote historical scholarship, to encourage the collection and preservation of the Chinese American historical documents and artifacts, to ensure equal access to information, and to foster the dissemination of information about historical records and research.

Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Teaching Division, to collect and disseminate information about the training of teachers and about instructional techniques and materials, and to encourage excellence in the teaching of the Chinese American history in the schools, colleges, and universities.

Section 4: It shall be the duty of the Professional Division to promote integrity, fairness, and civility in the practice of history, to collect and disseminate information about employment opportunities, and to help ensure equal opportunities for all historians, regardless of individual membership in the Society.

Article VII: Business Meeting

Section 1: The Council shall call a business meeting, open to all members of the Society in good standing, to convene at the time of the annual meeting.

Section 2: The business meeting may consider resolutions and proposals submitted by Council or by a petition of the membership, concerning the affairs of the Society, receive reports of officers and committees, instruct officers and the Council, and exercise any powers not reserved to the Council, Nominating Committees, and elected or appointed officers of the Society.

Section 3: All measures adopted by the business meeting shall come before the Council for acceptance, non-concurrence, or veto. If accepted by the Council, they shall be binding on the Society.

Section 4: The Council may veto any measure adopted at the business meeting that it believes to be in violation of the Society's constitution, the law, or financially or administratively infeasible.. The Council shall publish an explanation for each such veto.

Section 5: The Council may vote not to concur in any measure adopted by the business meeting. Within ninety days of such vote, the Council shall submit the measure to a vote of the entire membership with an opportunity for the proponents of the measure and the Council to set forth their respective positions. If approved by a majority of the members voting, the measure shall be binding on the Society.

Article VIII: Committees

Section 1: There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of nine members, three of whom shall be elected each year. In the event of a vacancy, the president shall appoint an interim member to serve until the next annual election.

(a) The Nominating Committee shall nominate annually a candidate for president, and two candidates for each of the following: president-elect, a vice-president, each position on the divisions, each position on the Nominating Committee and Committee on Committees, and any elected position that is vacant.

(b) Nominations may also be made to any of the foregoing positions by petition supported by the signature of not less than one hundred members of the Association in good standing indicating the position for which the petition is intended. Nominations by petition must be received by the chair of the Nominating Committee not less than sixty days prior to the distribution of ballots.

Section 2: There shall be a Finance Committee comprised of the president, president-elect, and not less than one additional member of the Council selected by the president. In addition, upon nomination by the president, the Council may appoint additional persons to the Finance Committee provided that at all times a majority of the committee is composed of elected Council members. The Finance Committee shall monitor the financial condition of the Society, supervise the performance of any financial advisors or consultants, and report periodically to the Council.

Section 3: There shall be a Committee on Committees consisting of five members. The president-elect shall serve as chair and four members shall be elected to staggered three-year terms.

Article IX: Elections

Section 1: There shall be an annual election for the offices of president, president-elect; a vice-president; and members of the divisions, Nominating Committee, Committee on Committees; and the unexpired term of any elected position that is vacant.

Section 2: The annual ballot shall be distributed to the full membership of the Association at least six weeks before the annual meeting. No vote received after the due date specified on the ballot shall be valid. Election shall be by plurality of the votes cast for each vacancy. The results of the election shall be announced at the business meeting and in the publications of the Association. In the case of a tie vote, a coin flip shall determine the winner.

Section 3: The Nominating Committee shall act as the supervisor of any election and all issues relating to any election shall be referred to it for final decision. The Nominating Committee shall keep all records of elections in a secure place for a period of not less than one year.

Article X: Amendments

Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by: (1) the Council, (2) petition to the Council of one hundred or more members in good standing, or (3) resolution at an annual business meeting. Any amendment shall be reported to the membership with arguments pro and con, if appropriate, and shall be included in the next annual vote for election of officers and committee members. Any amendment receiving a plurality of the votes cast in the election shall be considered adopted.

Article XI: Bylaws

The Council may adopt bylaws not inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution on any matter of concern to the Society.

Article XII: Interim Procedures

On the adoption of this constitution, the Council shall have the power to decide the details of the transition from the existing organization to that embodied in this document.


Article I: Name


Article II: Purpose


Article III: Membership


Article IV: Officers

1. Bylaws pursuant to Article IV, Section 3: If the president-elect assumes the office of president (pursuant to Article IX, Section 1) before his or her predecessor assumes office, the president-elect shall serve one term. If the president-elect assumes office after his or her predecessor has assumed office, the president-elect shall serve the balance of that term and may stand for an additional term as president.

2. Bylaws pursuant to Article IV, Section 5:

(1) Unless the Council specifies otherwise, the executive director shall serve as an ex officio member, without vote, of all committees of the Society.

(2) In the event the executive director is incapacitated, the president shall serve as acting executive director until the Council appoints a temporary or permanent executive director.

3. Bylaws pursuant to Article IV, Section 6:

(1) The Council shall, by majority vote, appoint the executive director and the controller, and shall specify the term, not to exceed five years, for which each appointee shall hold office. Notwithstanding the duration of any such term,

any such officer may be removed on a majority vote of the membership of the Council.

(2) The Council will arrange for annual reviews of the appointed officers of the Society.

(3) Not less than 18 months prior to the expiration of the term of any appointed officer ('officer') the Council shall determine whether the officer wishes to be reappointed and the terms of any such reappointment.

(a) If the officer wishes to be reappointed, the Council shall appoint a review committee consisting of:

(i) in the case of the executive director: the past president (chair), a current member of Council, an elected officer of the Society at the time of the incumbent's appointment or reappointment, and a member of the Society resident in California who is familiar with the executive director's work with other scholarly, advocacy, and higher education associations.

(ii) in the case of the controller: the president-elect (chair), a current member of Finance Committee, and the executive director.

(b) Each committee shall review the performance of the officer in light of the position's job description, any specific written directions given to the officer, and the officer's relationship with the Council.

(i) in the case of the executive director and the controller and unless otherwise specified, any other officer appointed by the Council, the recommendation shall be made directly to Council.

(c) If the officer does not wish to be reappointed, or if Council decides not to reappoint the officer, Council shall appoint a search committee consisting of:

(i) in the case of the executive director: the past president (chair), a current member of Council, and a member of the Association resident in California who is familiar with scholarly, advocacy, and higher education association communities in the state.

(iii) in the case of the controller: the president-elect (chair), a current member of Finance Committee, and the executive director.

Article V: Council

4. Bylaw pursuant to Article V, Section 1 (a): In the event a division vice president cannot complete his or her term, the Council will fill the vacancy with another member of the division.

5. Bylaw pursuant to Article V, Section 1(b) and Article VIII: The Council may fill any vacancy in its membership or in the membership of any elected committee by designating any member of the Association to serve as a member ad interim until replaced by a member elected in accordance with customary procedures at the next practicable annual election.

6. Bylaw pursuant to Article V, Section 2: All Council decisions will be made by majority vote unless otherwise specified.

7. Bylaw pursuant to Article V, Section 3 and Article VIII, Section 2: Whenever any vacancy shall occur in the membership of the Executive Committee or of the Finance Committee, the president may designate a member of the Council to serve ad interim as a member of the committee in question.

Article VI: Divisions

8. Bylaw pursuant to Article VI, Sections 1-4: The Research Division, the Teaching Division, and the Professional Division shall operate under the general direction of the Council. Under appropriate circumstances the Council may determine each division's jurisdiction, general policies, and procedures.

Article VII: Business Meeting

9. Bylaws pursuant to Article VII, Sections 1-5:

(1) The Council shall prepare the agenda for the annual business meeting, which shall be available for distribution to the membership of the Society at the annual meeting.

(2) The president shall preside at the business meeting. Official minutes of the business meeting shall be prepared, which shall include a record of all motions and their disposition, together with the votes cast thereon, when recorded.

(3) The Council may appoint an official parliamentarian who shall hold office for a three-year term. The parliamentarian shall advise and assist the president in the conduct of the business meeting, and shall perform such additional duties as are appropriate to the office.

(4) Any member of the Society may, subject to the following rules, present resolutions or other motions that introduce new business to the agenda of the annual business meeting.

(a) Such resolutions must be received in the office of the executive director not later than November 1 prior to the annual meeting, to allow time for publication. They must be in proper parliamentary form; must be signed by at least fifty members of the Association in good standing; must not be more than three hundred words in length including any introductory material; and must deal with a matter of concern to the Society, to the profession of history, or to the academic profession.

(b) The Council may decide on the priority of resolutions on the agenda, and may associate any resolution offered by a member with any item of business on the agenda.

(c) To ensure as far as possible the fair and equitable consideration of all member resolutions, the Council in preparing the agenda may, at its discretion, fix the duration of debate on any resolution.

(d) The annual business meeting may by a vote of two-thirds of the members present suspend Bylaw 9(4), except where otherwise provided in the constitution and bylaws of the Society.

(f) The business meeting, by a majority vote upon a motion by any member of the Society, may instruct the Council to place a subject upon the agenda for the following business meeting.

(5) No motion, resolution, or other business shall be passed by a division of the members at the annual business meeting unless there is present a quorum of one hundred members in good standing. A quorum of twenty-five members in good standing shall be sufficient for all other purposes.

Article VIII: Committees

10. Bylaw pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2:

(1) The executive director and controller shall serve as ex officio members of the Finance Committee.

(2) Bylaw pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2: Council shall appoint not less than one expert in nonprofit management, and one expert in investment to the Finance Committee.

(3) Bylaw pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2: Council may appoint committees which shall report to the Finance Committee as it deems appropriate.

Article IX: Elections

11. Bylaws pursuant to Article IX, Section 1:

(1) The Nominating Committee shall nominate the incumbent president-elect as the sole candidate for the office of president, except when the office of the president-elect is vacant.

(a) If the office of president-elect becomes vacant prior to the final preparation of the annual ballot, the committee shall nominate two persons for the office of president, neither of whom shall be the incumbent president.

(b) If the president-elect succeeds to the office of the president in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, Section 3, that individual shall retain his or her prior status as the sole committee nominee for the office of president.

(2) The nominating committee shall nominate two persons for each elected office of the association, except in the case of the president as set forth in section (1) above.

(3) Whenever prospective vacancies of one year or more occur in the offices of elected Council members, vice-presidents, and members of the Nominating Committee, members of the Committee on Committees, the Nominating Committee shall, at its regular annual session, nominate two or more candidates for the unexpired term of any such office.

12. Bylaws pursuant to Article IX, Sections 1-3:

(1) Immediately after January 15, the executive director shall submit to the Nominating Committee a list of all Association positions for which nominations are forthcoming, together with any instructions the Council may have thereto, and a list of all suggested nominations submitted by Society members on or before the previous December 15.

(2) On or before March 1, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the executive director its nominations for all positions for which elections are forthcoming. All nominations must be accompanied by certification of the willingness of the nominee to serve if elected.

(3) Ballots, including appropriate biographical matter shall be distributed to the membership on or before October 1 for return not later than November 1. Ballots received after November 1 will not be counted.

(4) The Nominating Committee shall supervise the counting of all ballots, the manner in which candidates and the membership are informed of the results of the election.

(5) All persons elected to Society office in the annual fall election shall assume office at the conclusion of the next annual business meeting.

(6) Any ballot distributed to the membership may be delivered by mail or electronic means.

Article X: Amendments


Article XI: Bylaws


Article XII: Interim Procedures


Most recent change in constitution: January 2013

Most recent change in bylaws: January 8, 2013


We held an exhibition on the legal history of Chinese American women, the exhibition is entitled: Herstory--Chinese American Women, 165 Years of Struggle and Success"





 台北場:2015年06月19日至08月02日 / 國立歷史博物館 (地址:台北市南海路49號)
 台南場:2015年09月25日至11月08日 / 台南市公會堂 (地址:台南市中西區民權路2段30號)



台北場:2015年08月04 日24:00



2012 Best book award

「Battle between the dragon and the eagle: The legal histority of Chinese Americans」by Dr Chang C Chen ;)



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628 Encino Court, Arcadia, CA 91006
Tel: 626-233-5823
E-mail:[email protected]

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